Awesome Useful cPanel Commands

Here are a list of useful commands for everyone under the sun to do their work easily with cPanel

cPanel Resource Usage Stats

To view cPanel’s stats you can run this command via SSH:


This will show all processes, users, etc.

Get cPanel Resource Stats for X Days

If you want to get the stats for a user for say the past 5 days or so, run this command in SSH:

domain=""; for i in `seq 1 7 `; do let i=$i+1 ; let  k=$i-1 ; let s="$(date +%s) - (k-1)*86400"; let t="$(date +%s) - (k-2)*86400"; echo `date -Idate -d @$s`; /usr/local/cpanel/bin/dcpumonview `date -d @$s +%s` `date -d @$t +%s` | sed -r -e 's@^<tr bgcolor=#[[:xdigit:]]+><td>(.*)</td><td>(.*)</td><td>(.*)</td><td>(.*)</td><td>(.*)</td></tr>$@Account: \1\tDomain: \2\tCPU: \3\tMem: \4\tMySQL: \5@' -e 's@^<tr><td>Top Process</td><td>(.*)</td><td colspan=3>(.*)</td></tr>$@\1 - \2@' | grep $domain -A3 ; done

Script to find cPanel account and its corresponding IP address

cat /etc/userdatadomains | perl -pi -e "s/^.*? //," | perl -pi -e "s/==.*==6/ 6/," | perl -pi -e "s/:80==//," | sort | uniq

cPanel script to assign IP via shell: /usr/local/cpanel/bin/setsiteip -u username IPaddress

Courtesy of

If you want to just monitor a specific user and not access the logs you can do so with these commands:

Monitor specific user using TOP

top -c d2 -u username

Monitor all users using TOP

top -c d2

Alternately you can use htop instead of top if you have it installed.

Script to delete Big file

find /home -name '*.DS_Store' -type f -delete &
find /home -name '*.swp' -type f -delete &
find /home -name '*.swo' -type f -delete &
find /home -name 'error_log' -size +10M -type f -delete &
find /home -type f -name '*' -size +500M -exec rm -if {} \; &

In case you are wondering, anything bigger than 500M

find spammer script in cpanel

grep cwd /var/log/exim_mainlog | grep -v /var/spool | awk -F "cwd=" '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n

the above will look for script that is spamming your cpanel server

find 10 biggest disk user in cpanel

find /home -type d -print0 | xargs -0 du -s | sort -n | tail -10 | cut -f2 | xargs -I{} du -sh {}

the above will search for the 10 biggest folder used by your user

Clear Exim Mail Queue

exiqgrep -zi|xargs exim -Mrm

this will clear all your exim queue to sparkling clean.

Delete cPanel email more than 2 years

find -P /home/*/mail/*/*/cur -mtime '+729';find -P /home/*/mail/*/*/new -mtime '+729'

firing above will delete all email that is bigger than 729 day

check for all unique ip connected to your server

netstat -atun | awk '{print $5}' | cut -d: -f1 | sed -e '/^$/d' |sort | uniq -c | sort -n

useful when you are getting DDOS